Website Support for Customers

Website Redesign
£121.00 – £321.00
Online Training
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
£120.00 – £200.00

Maintenance and Management Support

Web Support for the life of your site! Do you need help on your website for updates and support? Continuous tweaking of your site needn’t be hard work. You just need a good back-up web designer to help.

Support for your website design and hosting should be easy if it’s put together properly in the first place. With Hostcat, you can rest easy knowing your website maintenance is in experienced hands. The latest technologies and knowledge to ensure your website keeps its relevance and is properly supported at all times. If you do run into problems I can make sure you get all the help you need. If it’s a web hosting issue or a problem with your website not caused by yourself then all support is free. For anything else such as updating your content please read through the details below.

Pay as You Go Website Content and Ammendments

All of my websites are built with wordpress and most of them now use the Divi builder to make things easier for customers to lay their pages out.

If you want to update your content and pages yourself there are a ton of easy to follow youtube videos available to help you understand both wordpress and the Divi builder. If you don’t have the time – and would prefer me to do it for you then I’m more than happy to do that.

The service is easy for people who need regular or irregular updates. You purchase website support ‘credits’ in advance and in hourly chunks at £20 per hour.

Every time you request support and need work done I will let you know how many minutes it will take, and upon completing each task will update your credit total and let you know when you’re out of credit.

The cost for support credit is £20 per hour and credits last for 12 months from the date of purchase. If you have a few quiet months, or a busy few, you needn’t worry with this package as it will keep your content updates and ammendments covered.

To give you an example, making an ammendment to a page, adding text, putting a blog post on or adding details to your directories will take roughly 10 to 15 minutes. Anything more complex or involved may take longer.

Pay as you go Credits

Hostcat Website Redesign

Now and then it’s always good to revamp and have your site redesigned. If you’re a Hostcat Website owner then it’s simple.

All you pay is a percentage of the original website cost whether it’s a standard, business or professional package. Each year there are new techniques, new styles to consider, and it’s important to make sure your website stays current.

Website Redesign
£121.00 – £321.00

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

When I put your website together initially it is optimised for the search phrase you most wanted to be found for. I make recommendations and it’s your choice whether to follow that advice or not.

Many people are now coming to me asking for me to optimise every page of their site which is quite time consuming, but I can do that. I have a lot of years experience and use common sense approach and Google guidelines to the letter so it is done properly.

If your site is under 20 pages I can do all of the SEO on it for £120 in total.

If it is over 20 pages then I charge £200 in total.

I can’t gurantee you get to No.1 on Google, but if I optimise every page and you follow my recommendations to the letter you will stand more chance than with any of the so called seo experts out there.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
£120.00 – £200.00

Online Training

If you require training from me I will guide you through as much as I can in the time you have purchased. I have kept it at a minimum so again it’s just £20 per hour far less than is normally charged by either web designers or companies for their services.

What I will do for this is to create 2 to 3 videos for you. They are audio / videos showing me working in the back of your own website to guide you through how to make ammendments for yourself. This has proven to be the best way. They will be put onto youtube so you can follow and pause as you need. If you get stuck then I will guide your through on the telephone, but it has proven the best way by doing these customer specific videos.

Online Training

Extra Email Storage

All E-Mail support is free in regards to finding out what the problem is for you.

With regards to installing mail boxes on your phone or laptops however, all I can do is direct you to the appropriate guides as they are all different depending on make and provider. I will talk you through as best I can, but that is a complimentary service rather than a given right. There are too many variables and the help guides can give you far more information than I will be able to.

You get a 10gb email storage mail box as standard – if you want to increase that by 10gb extra to a total of 20gb then that will be £50 per year.

Email Storage

chris ryan web designer

Website Support Isle of Wight by Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan is a professional artist and web designer on the Isle of Wight. Owner of Hostcat Web Design.Last updated: December 20, 2023 at 12:58 pm